This magazine accepts various types of submissions:

Types of submissionsElementsAdditional description
Development work
Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction (including Theoretical framework), Aim, Innovation or Development work, Implications to Occupational Therapy Education, ReferencesArticles should be instructional in nature and should be written in a style that readers outside the area of specialty could understand.
Research articleTitle, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Aim, Method, Results, Discussion, Methodological discussion, Conclusions, Implications to Occupational Therapy Education, ReferencesArticles should be scientific in nature and should be follow scientific writing.
Student articleTitle, Abstract, Keywords,  Introduction (including recent development work or innovation in occupational therapy education), Aim, Student experiences (content related to students’ experiences of identified development work or innovation), Discussion or Reflection, Implications to Learning (including practical tips or advice for Occupational Therapy students), ReferencesReports not submitted as original development research article
Resource reviewsName of resource, Review, How to access the resourceReview of books/resources that can be used in teaching or learning
Letters to the editorCommentary to a previously published article
Additionally the EMOTHE will publish invited papers and proceedings from ENOTHE Annual Meetings, which include abstracts and keynote presentations.

Author’s Guide

Your manuscript should be submitted using the online form. You need to log in (or sign in to create a new user) to be able to submit a manuscript.

The submission should adhere to the following formatting guidelines, including Arial Nova font, 12-point size, and double spacing for both the abstract and main text. Left alignment is required for headings and main text. Tables may use a smaller font size, no less than 9-point, for column titles, body text, and footnotes, while table and figure legends must be in 12-point font. Single line spacing is acceptable for reference lists, headings, tables, and figures. Margins of 2.5 cm are standard on all sides, except for wide tables or figures in landscape orientation, which may have margins of at least 1 cm. Use italicized font and a left-aligned indentation for long quotations (three lines or more). In-text citations and the reference list should adhere to the American Psychological Association (APA) 7th edition guidelines.
Tables and figures should be organized on separate pages following the reference list in the order of tables first, followed by figures. In the main text, indicate the desired location of the table or figure with a centered placeholder “[Insert Table X/Insert Figure X]”. Table titles should be positioned above the table, aligned to the left, and numbered in the sequence they appear in the main text. Similarly, figure captions should be placed below the figure, left-aligned, and numbered in the order they are referenced in the main text.

Word limits
The word limit for the main text in original articles (e.g., Development work, Research, and Student) is set at 5000 words. However, manuscripts that exceed this limit may be considered at the discretion of the reviewers and editors. For Resource reviews and Letters to the editor, the word limit is 2000 words. Titles should be concise, not exceeding 15 words, and abstracts should be no more than 200 words, including headers. The Acknowledgement section should not have more the 100 words. Additionally, a maximum of five keywords is allowed, excluding words already present in the title.

Use the following headers, depending on the type of submission:
– For Development work articles, use Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Aim, Innovation or Development work, Implications to Occupational Therapy Education, References.
– For Research articles, use Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Aim, Method, Results, Discussion, Methodological discussion, Conclusions, Implications to Occupational Therapy Education, References.
(In the Method section, the preferred subheadings are as follows: “Informants” or “Participants,” “Data Gathering” (for qualitative studies) or “Data Collection” (for quantitative studies), “Data Analysis,” and “Ethical Considerations.” For literature reviews, use headings corresponding to the chosen method’s steps, but make sure to describe ethical considerations. “Positionality” and other additional headings may be added if applicable)
– For Student articles, use Title, Abstract, Keywords,  Introduction, Aim, Student experiences, Discussion or Reflection, Implications to Learning, References.
– For Resource reviews, use Name of resource, Review, How to access the resource.

Submission requirements
The following elements are required in the submission. Please have them handy before going to the submission page:
– .doc/docx file – Title page, including the names of all authors, their respective affiliations and ORCiD. Identify the corresponding person and this person’s email address. This page can include an Acknowledgement section. Not for blind review.
– .doc/docx file – Title, abstract, and main text (with identifiers redacted) for blind review
– .doc/docx file – Tables in high resolution is separate files.
– .jpg, .png, .svg, .eps file(s) – Figures in high resolution in separate files. When including photographs, ensure that identifiable individuals in the photo have provided written permission for publication. For figures containing copyrighted material, ensure written permission for reuse is obtained.
– .pdf or .docx file – Complete file with title page, abstract, keywords, and main text. Not for blind review.
– Texts for the submission form – Author names, affiliations, ORCiD, email address for the corresponding author, title, abstract, keywords, main text.
– Cover letter to be submitted through a form. Ensure your cover letter includes the manuscript title and a brief yet compelling overview of your work, emphasizing its importance and relevance to EMOTHE’s readers. Declare that your paper has not been previously published or under consideration elsewhere. Include contact details for yourself and co-authors, and confirm the absence of competing interests. Add additional information that may be relevant to its review and consideration.
– Statement on declaration of interest (choose one):
The authors confirm that they do not have any known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have potentially influenced the findings  presented in this article.
The authors declare the following interests that could be which may be considered as potential conflicts of interest: (specify)
– Statement of Artificial Intelligence Use (choose one):
The authors confirm that they did not use any artificial intelligence tools in drafting this article.
The authors declare the following artificial intelligence tools were used in drafting this article: (specify AI tool – specify reason)

Author’s Guide (pdf)


ENOTHE members have access to all the contents of the magazine.

Non-ENOTHE members only have access to the title and abstract of the articles.
Non-ENOTHE members have to purchase access to full articles – the fee for accessing one article is equivalent to the current individual membership for low-middle income countries. Yearly subscription is equivalent to the current ordinary membership 76+ students fee for high income country + 100€.
Know more about ENOTHE membership here.

Article processing charge

ENOTHE members are eligible for waived article processing charges. If there are multiple authors, the ENOTHE member must serve as both the first author and corresponding author to benefit from the waived fee. Please note that the first author must be an ENOTHE member at the time of manuscript acceptance. This means they must be employed at a university or institution that is an ordinary member of ENOTHE, affiliated with an organization that is a contributing member, or registered as an individual member. After your manuscript is accepted for publication, the ENOTHE Office will proceed to validate your membership.

Non-ENOTHE members are required to pay the article processing charge. The article processing charge is equivalent to the current ordinary membership 76+ students fee for high income country + 100€.  After your manuscript is accepted for publication, you will be directed to the ENOTHE Office to pay the article processing charge. Once payment is received, your manuscript will undergo processing for publication.
Know more about ENOTHE membership here.

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