Review criteria / guide for submitted manuscripts
1. Relevance to the aim and scope of EMOTHE: Does the manuscript align with the scope and focus of the magazine?
2. Originality and significance: Does the manuscript address a novel and important question in the occupational therapy education? Does the manuscript offer new insights or perspectives that advance occupational therapy education?
3. Clarity and coherence: Is the manuscript well-written, clear, and logically organized?
4. Adherence to guidelines: Does the manuscript adhere to formatting, style, and referencing guidelines?
5. Content: Does the introduction give a clear understanding of relevant concepts, contexts, problem/issue, and aim? Are the methods described in the manuscript appropriate and well-described, and if appropriate, robust? Are results clearly presented and supported? Do the implications (and if appropriate, conclusions drawn) align with the results presented?
6. Ethical considerations: Was the research/development work conducted in accordance with ethical guidelines/practices? Are any conflicts of interest disclosed appropriately?
7. References: Are the references cited in the manuscript accurate, relevant, and appropriately used? Does the manuscript provide sufficient references to support its claims?
8. Clarity of tables and figures: Do the tables and figures enhance understanding the material? Are the tables and figures clear, well-labeled, and effectively explained?
9. Overall Quality: Does the manuscript meet the standards of excellence expected for publication in EMOTHE? Are there any areas where the manuscript could be improved to enhance its quality?
Review must be submitted using the dedicated online form.
Access to Review form is done with Reviewer password, sent by the Manager/Editor.